You should always feel concerned about your home. You never know when a “n’er do you harm. Read on making your house safer.
Your dog can keep your spare house key for you. This works with a dog that stays outside or a dog with a pet door. Place the alternative key on your dog’s collar in case of an emergency.
Your dog could carry a spare house key for you. This will come in handy if you’ve got an outdoor dog is outdoors most of the time or if you’ve got a pet door. You could simply put a key onto your dog’s collar, so when you forget your keys your dog can let you in.
Be very cautious about entrusting a maid service with a key to your home. Make sure you know they are legitimate before giving out the key. Check references thoroughly. If the person is an employee of a firm, call your local BBB to check their reputation.
Buy a small home safe that you can conceal your valuables in it. Keep it hidden in your basement or attic to make it hard to find location.
Purchase a safe to lock all of the extremely valuable items in your home in one place. You would hate for your expensive jewelry, personal family belongings, etc. to be stolen in case a burglar breaks into your home. Keep the safe hidden in a hard-to-find location like an attic or a basement closet.
Above a door frame or under doormats are not smart ideas.One idea is to hide a spare key is in the collar of a dog that does not take kindly to strangers.
Make sure to use caution when deciding if and where to hide an extra key outside of your home. Placing a key above a door or under a doormat is quite obvious! One good place to hide a spare key is in the collar of a dog that does not take kindly to strangers.
The first thing to do for home security is to get new locks. Whether you just bought your home or someone just moved out that you were living with, changing your locks is a good idea.It is not expensive and can be done in less than a day.
Seek recommendations from friends and family when choosing a security company or system. There are likely people you know that have had either good or bad experiences with these companies. Ask a few different people to help you make the best choice.
Some maintain that rural residents lead riskier lives because they are far away from neighbors.Others think that rural areas.
Don’t let any person you don’t completely know into your house. Stay true to your safety, even if it appears the person has legitimate reasons for wanting entry. Some people will simply knock on your door to see whether or not there is a security system installed, and if there isn’t, they may target you later when you’re away.
Don’t forget skylights when securing your home. While they are nice and help with lighting, they are also an easy way for thieves to enter your home. Be sure that the skylights for your home can be locked securely.
Consult with your police department to find out about good programs for home protection. They may offer things such as home inspections, engraving tool loans, and other guidance about securing your house. Call them up to find out more.
Walls are great hiding spot. You should think about hiding certain small valuables inside the walls. You can use the opening provided by an electrical switch plate or electric outlets as hiding spots. You can also install a fake unused plates.
Have lights that sense motion. These lights will come on if someone walks near your home. These lights will not only let you know when someone gets too close, they will also stop potential burglars from breaking in. After all, burglars don’t want anyone to know they are there. Replace bulbs regularly and check the sensors once a month.
Make sure that none of your valuables can be seen from the home. Large windows let in a lot of light, but they also allow others to peer into your home.
When securing your home, don’t forget about skylights. While they are nice and help with lighting, they also provide the burglars help with access to your home. Your skylights need durable and reliable hardware for true protection.
Having these boxes around will give people an idea of what is inside your home.
Prior to allowing access to anyone, make sure you are shown proper identification. Do not hesitate to hire someone to run a background check if you have doubts. You don’t know whether the contractor, maid, or repairman that you’ve hired is trustworthy and handing them your keys could be a costly mistake.
Replace all the locks in a new house.While the person that previously had the home may seem okay, you have no idea who they really are.
When checking out security companies, ask whether they allow you to choose between buying or leasing the system. Purchasing your equipment may cost more in the beginning, but this is a one-time cost which does not recur. Leasing is a good way to avoid the initial expense, but you will have to pay monthly fees. Find out which will work best for your needs.
Are you aware that your home’s wires are worth money? A lot of people don’t realize this until a thief steals them from their home. The copper inside the wire is very valuable and is easy to be quickly taken off the exterior of the house in a short time span. Make sure your wiring is concealed or hard to access to keep this valuable item safe.
Don’t hide your key somewhere obvious. It’s easy to see fake rocks. Hiding a key under the doormat is even worse; this cliched tactic will fool no one. A better plan is to ask someone you trust to keep your extra key in case you need it. If that isn’t an option, be creative with a hiding spot.
Rotten Wood
Hard-wired home security systems can help you to cut down on costs. A wireless system is a good option but you will have to replace batteries regularly. If you neglect battery changes, your system won’t work. Also, having to replace batteries on a regular basis can quickly become costly.
Replace rotten wood around any door frames. An intruder can simply pry the rotten wood easily to open the door.Replace rotting wood that is starting to rot with fresh wood to keep your home safer.
Keep your most valuable possessions secure. It is best to keep items such as passports, legal documents, photos and financial records in a spot that is secure. A fireproof floor safe is ideal for this. A better choice is storing them outside your home in a deposit box at the bank.

Keeping your house bright during the night hours is an excellent way to prevent thieves. They do not want to avoid being seen. Keep lights on during the evening for a safer home.
If you have a living room window that faces the street, draw your curtains at night. You don’t want to attract peeping Toms. Burglars may see something valuable, which will tempt them to steal. Be careful about how much others can see.
Keep safety at the forefront when doing landscaping. If these things can be seen by the naked eye, they are less likely to break in. This will give your safety.
Inquire about motion sensing lights from your security service. Many companies do offer this and it makes lights outside the home turn on just as soon as a person approaches them. This can offer you additional safety as you are entering your home, and it can also deter an intruder.
Don’t leave empty boxes for big-ticket purchases outside on the curb of your house. Burglars will see these boxes and know what kind of valuables you have. Cut the boxes and wait until the writing when you put them outside.
Always lock all your windows, even the ones on the second floor. Most people don’t think about someone entering the home from the second floor. Do not underestimate intruders. A burglar will attempt to get in any way they can.
Make sure your address numbers are clearly visible from the street. If an emergency happens, police may drive right by.
Women are usually targeted for home invasion, particularly if they live alone or live with their kids. Set out oversized muddy boots on the front step to make it look like a large and active man lives there. Burglars should pass on by.
Your dog is a great tool for protecting your home security weapons. Dogs can be extremely protective of their space and bark when something is afoot. It is not necessary to have to be a big tough dog. Even tinier canines can keep intruders away since they don’t want lots of noise when committing crimes.
If you have a large dog, it can really deter intruders. Thieves aren’t going to want to chance a possible bite or attack. Consider getting your family an animal companion that can contribute to the security of the home in addition to being a lovable pet.
Ask the company if they offer systems for lease or buy your security equipment. Buying the equipment might cost more up front, but one time costs might lower or eliminate some monthly fees that add up over time. Leasing usually proves cheaper at first, but there may be hidden fees and contracts. Look into both of these to see what works for you.
The wiring on the outside of your home can draw burglars in. Copper is very valuable and it may be found in wiring. Hiding wiring is a good way to prevent copper thieves from hitting your property.
Think about getting a hard-wired system if you’re worried about maintenance issues. It can also be very costly to replace a ton of batteries.
Keep any valuables out of direct line of street-facing windows. Letting anyone on the street get a look at your possessions will allow would-be thieves to do some literal window shopping. Put up window coverings so that anything of value is hidden from outside view. Allowing people to see what you have inside your home is an open invitation for trouble.
This will ensure that they turn on and continue to switch even when you can’t be at home.
Consider a home security program that gives you more than just an alarm and monitoring system. Good home-security companies should come for a visit and provide you with suggestions on how to keep your home and family safe. This could mean adding additional locks, trimming back some bushes or installing windows that are more secure. Look for a company that has your safety in mind, and they will give you advice on these safety issues.
Sliding patio doors are a huge security issue. They can easily unlocked just by lifting and then shaking them. This keeps the door tightly closed and makes it difficult to force it open.
If you have a window installed air conditioner, be sure that you have secured bars or a wooden board around it. A crook can simply pull them out and come on in they’re not secure. Removing the air conditioner during the winter adds to your security as well as saving on heating costs.
Women living alone or with only children are easy targets for burglary.Place big muddy boots near the front of your home to give off a tough impression. This is one way to deter criminals from going into your home.
Many people use the second amendment as a means of protection from intruders. Consider getting some gun training, just in case. Having a gun to protect you and your family can be the best home security system money can buy.
The wiring on the outside of your home can be easy pickings for thieves. The copper inside wiring and other components is a good price. Conceal the wiring in your home to keep copper thieves from stripping it and leaving you with a big repair bill.
Make everyone aware of your home alarm system. Window decals, yard signs and loud sounding alarms are good at preventing someone from breaking into the house. It will be too late if they don’t realize you have an alarm until after they’ve broken in your home.
Alarm System
Be sure to post a home security alarm system. Window decals or signs in your yard can act as deterrents for would-be intruders.If burglars don’t know you have an alarm system until they are inside, they can still grab something and leave.
Be realistic – prepare for the worst. Understand that bad things can occur anytime; therefore, being prepared is extremely important. Make your family and home safe by applying what you’ve learned.