Something tragic or bad can and will occur when you do not expecting it. Don’t risk your home if you can do something about it. Read this guide in order to make your house a safe haven that will deter criminals from coming in.
Be sure your home always looks occupied. You could purchase timers which make lights and TV’s, as well as other devices, power on or off at varying intervals. In this way, it will always seem that someone is in your home. This will help safeguard your house to the best of your ability.
Always change the locks changed when you buy a new home. You never know how many keys have been handed out previously. Do the same thing if you misplace a key.
Buy a small home safe that you can use to keep your valuables in. You would hate for your expensive jewelry, personal family belongings, etc. to be stolen in case a burglar breaks into your home. Keep the safe hidden somewhere remote.
Do not let people you don’t know in your home. Even if they tell you a sob story about needing help, they need assistance or want to sell you something. This person might just be casing the first rule of keeping your home secure.
When placing your spare key outside for emergencies, give careful consideration to where you put it. Too many people put their extra key under the mat in front of their door; burglars know to check there. Try hiding the key in your outside dog’s collar.
There is a way to stop thieves from entering your home through an attached garage. You can use a C-clamp to secure the door from being opened by strangers.
Make sure the ringer on any phones in your home is turned off when you leave for vacation. If your phone rings and is not being answered, criminals will realize that you’re away.
Talk to the people who live in your neighbors.
Don’t open your door if a stranger is on the other side. There are many different tactics that crooks use to enter homes, and a common way is simply to walk up to the door and ask for help. Make it mandatory that doors in your home are only opened for expected visitors.
The first thing you’ll need to do for home security is to get your locks changed out. Maybe you had a roommate move out or have a disgruntled ex-lover, so changing the locks can keep you safer. It is usually inexpensive and the job won’t take more than 24 hours.
Check out your garage to ensure that it is secure. There is a way to prevent burglars from entering your home through the garage. A C-clamp is very useful for garage doors that lift on tracks. It will prevent garage doors from opening up whenever it is near the roller and is tight on the track.
Walls are great for hiding spot for your valuables. You can hide small valuables within your walls.You can use the opening provided by an electrical switch plate or electric outlets as hiding spots. You can easily install fake plate if there aren’t any unused plates.
Consult with your police department to find out about good programs for home protection. They may offer neighborhood watch programs, home inspections, engraving tools for marking code numbers onto items so that they will be easily identified if stolen. Get in touch with the department to determine their offerings.
Don’t put spare keys under doormats or beneath the welcome mat. These are the first places criminals will look when you misplace your key. Burglars are familiar with these hiding places.
It will not benefit you to be shy. Meet your neighbors. Keep an eye out for their houses, and request that they return the favor. Pay attention to gossip as well. You might hear helpful information, for instance if strangers have been hanging around.
Most real-world burglars aren’t master lock-breakers; they simply stroll in through a door is left open and an intruder just walks in. It does not take a long time for thieves to steal lots of dollars.
Have lights that are motion-sensor installed. These lights turn on if someone walks closely to your house. These lights will not only let you know when someone gets too close, they will also stop potential burglars from breaking in. After all, burglars don’t want anyone to know they are there. Do not forget to change a bulb when it burns out.
Flashlights are essential since they allow you to move around in an emergency. Make sure your whole family knows where the flashlights are and how to operate them.
Make certain no one can see your valuable belongings through windows and doors. A big front window gives you a good view; however, it also gives burglars a good view of the interior of your house. If your windows face a street, be sure they’re always covered and have your valuables safe.
If you are entering a house that has already been occupied, the first thing you should do is change the locks. The previous owners or tenants might have a key.You can purchase locks yourself to ascertain that only you have a key.
Don’t leave the packaging from any electronics or expensive purchases sitting on the curb until trash day. Having these boxes outside of your house will give robbers the temptation of robbing your house.
It is easy for thieves to present themselves as representatives of a company reps in order to get into your home. This proves rather dangerous to your family and your possessions. Be careful if you want to avoid this sort of danger.
Motion-sensitive exterior lighting is a must. These lights will keep your property well lit and give you a good idea of who approaches your home. When they are positioned correctly, they make it pretty much impossible for intruders to get to your house unnoticed.
Always get references before letting anyone you are considering hiring to do work on your home. You need to do background checks in order to find out their criminal history. You don’t know whether the contractor, repairman or contractor you hire is on the up and up, and letting them in or giving them a key could be a fatal mistake.

Have your home security company inspect your home and suggest safety improvements. Every house and every family will produce a unique set of security concerns that are best addressed with tailor-made security arrangements. When you don’t want to compromise in any way on the safety and security of your home, a custom-built system is usually the way to go.
Ask about the history of any home security company how long they have been in business before you sign up for service. A company that’s been around for a long history has proven that their service is reliable. Knowing you are dealing with a shady company gives you extra peace of mind when making this crucial decision.
Be sure and keep the outside of your house well lit. Burglars like committing crimes in the darkness. Install lights in areas that possible criminals can use to enter your home. Don’t forget that this includes ground-level windows as well as doors, garages, and porches.
Get a custom-designed plan that fits your needs by having the security system custom built for your home.
Before you go shopping for a home security system, take a moment to think about your specific situation and unique requirements. Some systems might not be adaptable to your situation. In some particular neighborhoods, classes for self defense or acquiring a dog may be the best option. However, the newest home security technology may be the best protection in other regions. Before you sink a lot of money into your home’s security, make sure that you’re properly addressing your particular risks.
Wireless security systems are a great investment. A wired system is probably less expensive, but they can require extensive rewiring work and may be rendered useless if the power fails.
Equip your home with a system designed for home surveillance. Both hidden and visible security cameras are effective in protecting your home. Most intruders are discouraged by visible cameras. But, if they attempt to disable the camera, you will still be able to see them if you have a hidden camera. Find a security system that gives you the option to view the video feed from your phone so you can check on your home at anytime.
If you are out of town for awhile, have a neighbor remove any fliers placed on your door. Burglars sometimes place fliers as a means to see if the owner removes them.
When you’re dealing with a security company that provides you with significant equipment to install, ask about the benefits and drawbacks of buying versus leasing. You can avoid interest rates by buying the security system right away. Leasing is cheaper, but it can involve contracts and pricier monthly fees. Compare these two options before making your decision.
Find out about the different contracts your chosen home security company offers. There are advantages and downs for each one. Longer contracts may create a lower bill per month, you may have to continue paying the bill even if you move or discontinue with their services. Shorter contracts may offer greater freedom along with higher costs.
If you have an established routine for turning your lights on and off, consider investing in a timer. The automatic timer will keep the lights going on and off on schedule, so a thief will not be able to tell when you are away. Even when you are at home, the timer is convenient because it saves you from having to remember to turn on the lights.
Anyone can easily get your birthday from Facebook and could have access into your driver’s licence.
Sliding glass doors pose large security issues in homes. They can be easily opened if someone lifts and shakes the door frame. If you do not have a security system hooked up to them, cut a length of pipe to fit in the door channel. Doing this will help keep your door closed tighter, making it more difficult for burglars to break in.
Think about hard-wired system if you have concerns about long term maintenance costs. It can also be pretty expensive to replace many different batteries.
Even if you don’t like gossip, make a point to become friends with someone in your neighborhood who is always “in the know.” If someone who looks suspicious is hanging around your home, this busybody might notice it first. As a friend, they will be sure to notify you.
This will ensure that they turn on and continue to switch even when you can’t be at home.
It is better to purchase your home security system directly from the company. Re-sellers are after making a profit; therefore, they don’t have your best interests in mind. Dealing with the company itself will ensure that you’re not paying a middleman and provide you with a warranty.
Solid Wood
Burglars and thieves may target your external wiring. The copper in components and wiring is being sold for lots of cash. Concealing wiring can keep thieves from stripping copper from your things and leaving you with expensive repair costs.
Replace your doors with some that are solid wood or metal versions. Metal or solid wood doors hold tight and fast. A burglar would not be able to kick that door is going to be in for some pain. The cost of replacing your doors is very minimal if they were to break.
Try not to have rooms that can be seen from outside. If expensive electronics are easy to see from the outside, burglars will see them as well. Try installing drapes or blinds so that people outside can’t see what you have inside. Keep your most valuable items away from windows.
Ask the security company if they offer motion sensors. This further protects you enter your home.
Keep carbon monoxide and smoke detectors clean. Lint and dust can build up and make them less sensitive. This can leave you in trouble down the road.
Criminals are always unpredictable, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand if you and your home are a target for their illegal activities. Rather than hoping you wont be targeted, you should take active steps to prevent it from happening. You want to keep learning more about home security to keep your home safe.
Make sure there is a lock on your shed if it contains a ladder inside. This pretty much means you are allowing the burglar an entrance into the second story of your home. Make sure and store away anything that can be used to climb.