Every homeowner ought to know how to keep both their homes safe. Sadly, home burglaries are very common, in addition to the extensive risks posed by floods or fires. Read the tips in this article to make sure that you family and home safe from outside threats.
Your dog could carry a spare key for you. Of course, your dog has to be an outdoor dog (or you at least need to have a doggy door) for this to work. Just hide a spare house key on the inside of your dog’s collar. Then when you need an extra key, you will be able to access this one.
Your dog can actually safeguard an extra key. This really only works if you’ve got an outdoor dog is outdoors most of the time or if you’ve got a pet door. You can purchase a special collar that will hold your spare key, so it is always handy.
Is your dog outside when you are away? They can help you with your spare key. You can attach your key to your dog’s collar in order to keep the key hidden. If your dog does not like strangers, this can help ensure consistent access to the house.
Always change the locks changed when you buy a new home. You don’t know the exact number of copies of that key the previous owners have been handed out previously. Do the same thing if you misplace a key.
Home security systems have additional features to just being noise alarms. They often even alert you to any time a door is opened. This is a valuable safety feature for parents of small children since they know if their child has exited the home.
Buy a small home safe so you can use to keep your valuables in it. Keep it hidden in your basement or attic to make it hard to find location.
Don’t use social media to announce that you will be gone for an extended period of time. It can be exciting to tell everyone about your vacation, but you could potentially be letting a burglar in on your whereabouts.
Don’t let people into your home. Even if someone has a good story, needs help or has something to sell, ignore them. This person might just be casing the joint to see if there is home secure.
Make sure the ringer on any phones in your home is turned off when you leave for vacation. A ringing phone that goes unanswered may signal to a burglar that nobody is home.
These are vulnerable to fires and can cause damage to your home in danger. Clear up your yard often if you want to prevent a fire from starting.
Get rid of all of the dead wood and vegetation in your yard during the summer months. They are a potential fire hazard during warmer months. Keep these cleared away regularly to maintain your home’s safety and to keep it in good shape.
This is particularly true if you are uneasy with those that install your actual system. Don’t hesitate to request a different technician or get another company. The point of having a security system is to feel safer after all.
Trust your instincts when it comes to hiring a home security company. If you are hesitant about the company, your gut feeling is especially important. You don’t want to refrain from choosing a different company or technician. Remember that every aspect of your home security system should support you in feeling more secure.
Don’t ever put your spare key under your doormat or in planters. These are the first places criminals will look when you misplace your home. Thieves are familiar with these spots.
If you have skylights, do not neglect them when making sure your home is secure. Skylights are commonly used by thieves to enter a home. Any skylights in your home should be secured with strong hardware.
Most break-ins and burglaries occur because a door left open and an intruder just walks in. It won’t take long for a robber to pilfer items worth thousands of dollars.
Always lock your house, no matter how briefly you expect to be gone. It is more common than you would believe for a thief to find a home, try the door and walk right in when it’s unlocked. A burglar can steal a lot of expensive stuff in a short amount of time.
Having these boxes around for a while will give people an idea of items that are inside your home.
When moving into your new house, change every lock. It may seem as if the former owners of the home are honest, but really you don’t know much about them. Bear in mind that other people may have lived in the home before the previous owner.
Are you aware of the value of your home wiring is worth money? A lot of people do not know this fact until a thief steals it from their home. The copper inside the wire is very valuable and is easy to be quickly taken off the exterior of the house in a short time span. Make sure your wiring is concealed or hard to access to keep this valuable property safe.
Before you give a security company employee access to your home, make sure they’re in uniform and that they present acceptable identification. Thieves often pose as security company representatives in order to enter homes and look for valuables. This is dangerous to your valuables and your family. Use caution to stay out of danger.
It is easy for potential thieves to present themselves as representatives of a company reps in order to gain access to your home. This is dangerous for your belongings and your possessions. Be very careful if you let into your home.
When searching for methods of improving your home’s security, a great, inexpensive method of doing this is purchasing exterior lights with installed motion detectors. Cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing, these lights really add value to your home. When they are positioned correctly, they make it pretty much impossible for intruders to get to your house unnoticed.

You can add a great deal of security to your home safer by installing a system of motion activated exterior lighting. If placed strategically around the house, motion detectors ensure that it’s difficult for intruders to break into your home sight unseen.
Keep safety at the forefront as you landscape. Your doors and windows should not be obstructed by shrubs or fences. If they can be seen, potential burglars will not be able to use them as hiding places before breaking in. Plan your home with safety in mind.
Use the Internet when you are seeking a reliable home security company. With that information, you can contact the companies you feel comfortable with and compare the rates to each other.
Have your home security company inspect your home and suggest safety improvements. Different people require different plans. By locating the company that will create the best plan for you, you will be assured you are receiving the best possible home security.
Never enter your house if the door open. This is a delicate situation as the burglar might still be on your property. Your best bet is to contact the authorities and wait until they arrive before you do anything else.
Keep the outside areas of your home well lit. Burglars prefer the cover that night provides their criminal activities. Install some outside lights so you can see everything outside. Having these outdoor lights installed can really work as a deterrent to criminals who are considering your house.
If you are out of town for awhile, have someone check your mailbox and door for mail and fliers. Burglars sometimes place fliers on the door to see if anyone is home to remove them.
Shred any documents and junk mail that contains identifying information. Thieves might go through your trash bags to find bills for valuables or personal information. Rip your important papers up before throwing them away if you can’t get a shredder.
Make sure no one can look inside your garage is not visible from the outside in. Don’t leave doors open for lengthy periods of time.
Be sure to close your curtains at night in rooms that face the street. There’s no reason to extend strangers an open invitation to inspect your rooms. Someone who can peer into your home may decide that your valuables are ripe for the taking. Do not grant outsiders a full view of your entire home and your belongings.
Spring Latch
Consult with your home security provider on whether they can supply lighting that is motion sensitive. This system will cause the lights to flicker on when someone walks up to your home. This can provide extra security when you enter your house, and can also hinder an intruder.
Don’t use locks of the spring latch locks installed. These locks can be opened easily be picked within a couple of minutes. Intruders just have to slide a credit card in between the latch and the door. Add a deadbolt to existing spring latch locks.
Always lock your second and even third floor windows. Many people think a criminal won’t check them. Burglars watch for open second story windows. This is the weak point of home security and criminal generally know this.
Do not store your car registration in your car’s glove box. This is not wise since anyone who has access to them can see where you live. Keep them on you or hide them elsewhere.You must have easy access to them if the police stop you.
You may think that the previous homeowners are extremely nice, but the truth is that you really do not know them. Therefore, replace all the locks in your home. This is equally important if you’re renting. If your landlord won’t change the locks, do it yourself.
Think about getting a hard-wired security systems if you’re worried about maintenance issues. It can also be very costly to replace a ton of batteries.
Burglars hate video security systems. Mostly, only the criminals in movies wear masks. Home burglars usually do not cover their face to avoid arousing suspicion. If they notice a security system, they won’t bother.
Deadbolts are the best locks. These have a thumb latch that prevents others from opening it by using a broken window. When at home, keep the key inserted inside the lock so you can leave if there is a fire.
Seek out home security companies that offer security systems along with other things. The best home security companies will inspect your home and maintain the system you purchased. For instance, you may need a stronger exterior door. You need to make sure they truly care about your home’s security so that they can talk about these items with you personally if they actually do.
Although inside locks are extremely useful, they won’t be too useful if you cannot lock them from outside. A deadbolt with keys on both the inside and outside of your best choices.
If you use window air conditioning units, be certain they are secured well and are surrounded by bars. They can be removed quite easily otherwise. Remove your window air conditioners in the wintertime for better security.
Because of the many threats which can harm a home, each homeowner must take matters into his own hands to guarantee the safety of the home. The article below has some great ideas with regards to home security. Use the above tips to make your home more secure.
A stranger in need of help is not always a welcome visitor at the front door. In all too many cases, this scenario has led to a home invasion by a duplicitous criminal who is only looking to get easy access. If you don’t know the person on the other side of the door, don’t open it. You can call for help for them if necessary. Call the cops if you don’t know what you should do.