It is up to you to keep their home secure. While an alarm system can be very helpful, there are other steps that can be equally effective. Continue reading to find other ways to help keep your home a safer place.
Your home should always look like it is occupied. You can purchase inexpensive timers that will control different electronics and lights in your home. This will make your home appear as if someone is there. This is a simple way to improve your home’s safety and make it less attractive to criminals.
Be sure that your home appears to always looks occupied.You can buy timers to have radios, lights, lights and other electronics go off and on at different times. This gives off the illusion that someone is home. This is a simple way to improve your home safe and avoid burglaries.
Place your spare key securely on your dog’s collar. This is only true if yours in an outdoor dog, or your house is equipped with a doggie door. Hide a key inside the collar of your dog in case you need a spare.
Home security systems offer other triggering features to just being noise alarms. Most of them can be set to sound an alert you to anyone entering your home. This is great for parents that have small children as they know when their kids open or closed a door.
Do you let your dog outside when you leave the house? If so, you can use your dog to hide your spare key. Fasten the key to your dog’s collar to hide it from view. This works especially well as storage if your pet isn’t too fond of strangers.
Turn the ringers off on your telephone if you are going to be away. A constantly ringing phone lets thieves know that you are not there.
If you keep a spare key outside to prevent yourself from being locked-out, think carefully about where you hide it. Intruders will think to look on the top if a door frame and under a doormat. An example would be to attach a key to your dog’s collar, if he stays outdoors.
Don’t let any person you don’t completely know into your house that you don’t know. Even if this stranger has a believable story or is trying to sell you something, this warning remains true. This is the joint to see if there is home secure.
If you have an extensive online presence that includes a lot of people you don’t know too well, avoid announcing upcoming vacations. It’s great to see new places and take a lot of photos, but posting them while still overseas lets thieves know your home is empty.
There is a solution for people that are worried about burglars going into their home from the garage.You can use a C-clamp to stop the door and prevent it from being opened by strangers.
In summer, take care to trim back branches and plants near the house. This can be a fire hazard, especially if you live in an area with high heat. Regularly clear away your yard to keep your home in good standing and safe for your family.
Regardless of the quality of your home security system, be sure to have regular inspections and maintenance performed. Get someone from the security comapny tech to check it. You may not even discover these problems if you can’t see it.
If you’ve got a garage, make sure to use it for your car rather than extra storage space. This will keep thieves from stealing it or harming it. Additionally, if your car is put away, burglars will not be able to tell whether or not you are home.
Talk to your neighborhood.
Regardless of the quality of your home security system, you need to have it checked each year. Ask someone from your security company to come over and have a look. Mother nature can sneak in and cause many problems. You might be unaware of problems that arise in some cases.
Put motion sensor lights into your house. These lights will turn on if anyone walks near your house. Just remember to change out the light bulbs whenever necessary.
Security starts with new locks. Not everyone who leaves your house will leave happy, and a fresh set of locks will protect you from both former residents and acquaintances of your own looking to cause mischief. Changing the locks can typically be done very cheaply and quickly.
Don’t forget about the skylights when doing a security sweep for your home.While they are an excellent source of natural light, they also provide the burglars help with access to your home. Be sure that the skylights for your home can be locked securely.
If you’ve got skylights, don’t neglect them when ensuring your home’s security. They look great and provide light, but also are another access point. Skylights need to be installed correctly and safely, with hardware that will keep intruders out.
Do not place your spare key under your mat or in a nearby planter. These seem like great places criminals will look when they try to enter your home. Burglars are well aware of such hiding spots.
When installing your home security system, make sure to hide the wires. Intruders can get around security systems and into a home by cutting the wires. Do not make things simple for a burglar, but rather bury all wires or hide them in the wall. This makes it much less likely that your system will be compromised.
When deciding on an alarm system, it’s a good idea to get one that provides protection for both doors and windows. All of your windows can be entry spots for thieves. You want a security system that the alarm is connected to all windows and doors. This will make your family will be safe.
You should change all the locks if you just bought or rented a new home. The previous owner may be perfectly respectable, but you can’t know that for sure. Don’t forget that there were likely other owners and residents in the house before the last set.
Flashlights are essential since they let you move around in the dark. Teach everyone in your children how to properly use flashlights.
Are you aware of the fact that your home wiring is worth money? People don’t realize this until it is stolen. Copper, found in many wires, can be removed in little time, and is worth quite a bit of money. Therefore, ensure you hide your wires so that burglars cannot see them, or make the wires extremely hard for the burglars to get to.
Keeping your home very bright and lit at night hours is an excellent way to prevent thieves. They want to be seen. Keep your lights on during the night.

Anytime a security installer comes to the house, make sure they display proper identification. Criminals can easily pretend to be from a security firm as a means to gain entry to the house. This is dangerous to your valuables and your family. Be very careful with who you let into your home.
Consider installing a surveillance system for your home and property. Both hidden and visible video cameras are effective in protecting your home safe. Visible cameras can scare intruders, the hidden cameras can still capture footage. Some security systems can be accessed with cell phones, which lets you look in on your house when away.
Add motion detector lighting to the exterior of your home for increased security. In the evening hours, this lighting can provide extra security and an economical way to light your front entrance way when you arrive. When they are positioned correctly, they make it pretty much impossible for intruders to get to your house unnoticed.
Don’t leave the boxes of any high priced electronics on the curb of your curb. Burglars will notice these boxes and recognize that there are new valubles in your house. Cut the boxes and hide the garbage truck comes to put them outside.
Make sure the outside of the house is well lit. Burglars like the cover of darkness to commit their crimes. Install a light in any area a potential intruder can get into your home. Some examples include first story windows, garages, doorways and porches.
You can have key-less locks that work using a code. You can even install them yourself or you can hire a home security firm.
Can you see the number of your house from the street? If there’s an emergency, it will take longer for the police to locate your home if the numbers are concealed in any way or too small. Luckily, you can fix this quickly and cheaply if you see there’s a problem.
Keep curtains closed when you are away from home. Intruders can see into your home if the blinds are up. You ought to turn the curtains down when you are sleeping as well.
Do not store your car registration documents in your glove compartment. This will prevent anyone from knowing where you reside. You should make sure to keep them on you, or store them somewhere safe in your car. Your papers should be easy to access in case a police officer pulls you over.
Anyone can easily get your date of birth from a Facebook profile or your house.
Using a timer on lights is a great idea. This makes it easier for you as you won’t have to flip the switch, but it also ensures the lights continue to go on and off, even if you’re not at home for a long period of time.
A home alarm can be a good investment. The best strategy is to buy a system that calls the police for you. You don’t want to have to rely on your neighbors.
Secure your true valuables in an area that is as safe as possible. Some examples include legal documents, expensive jewelry, financial records, passports and family pictures. A fireproof floor safe is ideal for this. For added safety, place them in a safety deposit box at your bank.
Sliding glass doors can create a security problem in many homes. They are easily opened if someone lifts and shaking. This can keep the door tightly closed tight and make it tougher to force open.
If the window of your living room faces the street, close your curtains at night. Don’t let anyone see inside. If possible burglars see your valuables, they may see your home as the next target. Use some discretion and make sure to block your valuables from view with curtains or shades.
Women living alone or along with just children are the most likely targets for burglary. Place something masculine in the front door so it looks like a tough impression. This will make criminals from entering your home.
Sliding glass doors can create a security issue in a home. They can easily be unlocked by lifting them and then shaking them. If you haven’t hooked them up to your security system, you can install some pipe to fit within your door channel. This keeps the door wedged closed so that it is harder to pry open.
Many times, only to kick in the door aggressively when the homeowner answers. If there’s someone at your door requesting help, make a phone call for them with the door closed.
Choose a reliable security company that goes further than selling a product. Great home security companies visit homes and make some recommendations that can keep your family much safer. For instance, you may need a stronger exterior door. Any company you do business with should express concern for your overall well being.
You should install some outdoor lighting that use infrared detection. These lights illuminate whenever someone approaches your house. This will surely make a burglar run for burglars and thieves. They will think they’ve been seen and they will run.
Advertise the fact that your home is equipped with an alarm systmem. Yard signs, noisy sound alarms and window decals are good at keeping people from breaking in to your house. By making them aware before they enter your home, you’ll save yourself both time and headaches.
Change the garage door’s opener code. The default code you get is standard for all units and can open many garages. Thieves go door-to-door with their opener until they figure out the generic code if you do not change it once you purchase.
Change the code for the garage door opener on a semi regular basis. This will need to be changed upon purchase. Many thieves drive up and down alleys with one opener until a garage door will respond to its generic code.
Change the locks once you are moving to a new place. A new lock system means that only you and your family home. If your keys are ever lost or stolen, change the locks then as well.
With your new knowledge, you have no excuse for a home that lags in safety measures. Even though improving your home’s security is not always an easy task, the importance of your family’s safety makes it worth expending some extra effort. You can do this by applying what you’ve learned here.